I went to get in my car today and when I did, I noticed that my glove compartment and my console were both opened and everything thrown on the floor. THEN the big shocker - My iPod FM/AM transmitter (the device that I plug in my lighter so that I can listen to my iPod in the car) was GONE!!! Yep, I left my car unlocked and someone got in and had some of their own fun. In the words of my 9 year old," Well, Mom it looks like you learned your lesson!" Out of the mouths of babes I say!! So ladies! Lesson of the Day: ALWAYS lock your car! Even if it IS in your driveway and way back by the house. Like the police officer said, "They will steal right off of your night stand." Scary! Looks like I'll have to be satisfied with just running with my iPod instead of sharing it with the whole family in the car. My kids are SO disppointed! :(
Our Car was broken into when D was going to school in North Hollywood. They smashed the passanger window & they only thing they stole was his lunchbox! And he had already eaten his lunch!
Sorry to hear about yours getting broken into....That stinks.
I HATE that feeling! Our car has been broken into too and it stinks.
We used to use an iTrip in our car, but they always seemed to either break or get bad reception so we went old school and now use a tape adapter (like what you used to use with a Walkman). It works SOOOO much better and it's like $10! If your car has a tape player, I highly recommend using the tape adapter, I think you'll love it.
Oh gosh! How dreadful...sorry to hear that Nicole. Yes, we'll all be careful after reading this.
Sweetie, I'm so sorry. That sucks. It seems that some places should be safe!
oops i posted my comment on the camping one instead of this one ... i obviously am typing before coffee aghh
Oh so sorry to hear this! I have such a hard time understanding why people can be so rotten!
kik: I am SO going to try that tape adapter! You can't beat $10.00! Where did you get one to fit your iPod though?
That is a sad story. We are so anal about locking our car doors, so hopefully nothing like this happens to us anytime soon.
I smiled at what your kiddo said about it! Smarty pants! ;)
NICOLE, I AM SOOOOOO SORRY!!! I pray everything will be restored and I am not just talking about your items taken. You feel robbed emotionally too. Hang in there!!!
That bites! I don't understand how people can think it's okay to do things like this. Sorry that it happened to you. :(
What a bummer!
Here from Nicki's
Mary, mom to many
A few months back my husband was in Dallas for a job interview and his rental car was broken into. He had left his backpack in the car which contained something pretty important – a laptop with his dissertation on it (3 years of PhD work). Every ones first question was, did he have it backed up and of course he said yes, but you guessed it the backup was also in the backpack. It set him back quite a bit but he recovered. I think the thing he was most distraught about was his iPod. They also managed to take his Bible and the textbooks and notes he was using to teach a class the next morning at 8:00a.m. He rebounded great and even got the job. Life is kind of crazy. We know how you feel!(the tape adapter is great)
I had that same question, but my smart husband knew that it would fit in the headphone plug, and it does. Seriously, it's the way to go. Not only is the $10 awesome, but the sound quality is so much better.
What a bummer! So sorry that happened!
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